Where Did the Game Bibs Go?
24th May 2024
Where Did the Game Bibs Go?
Are you sad because you're unable to get a pair of Game Bibs in your school's colors? Are you wondering why Game Bibs have gotten harder to come by? Are you afraid you're going to have to go your entire college tailgating experience without a pair of Game Bibs?
Have no fear — you won't be Game Bibless for long! We're just running low on supplies, and some of our most popular Game Bibs are sold out right now. Don't fret — we're getting a new shipment in 2022, which is right around the corner!
In fact, we have some brand new colors and patterns for you to get excited for! In 2022 we will be rolling out brand new Game Bibs colors and patterns including: Silver & Black, Brown & Orange, Red & Yellow, Blue & White Checkered, and Garnet & Black.

Make sure to sign up for our newsletter for promotions and updates about when your school's colors will be back in stock!
In the meantime, you can get your Game Bibs fix over on our Instagram page. Also check out our blog for all things sports and tailgating!